What’s up guys.. here’s another quick How to guide.. If you buy these from Amazon be prepared they have no instructions. But luckily I was the test guru to write up a quick how to guide on this awesome upgrade.. If you hate the stock rearview mirrors as much as I did these things are awesome sauce and although won’t pass inspection serves their purpose!Lets get to it..
First up Here is all you need.. (Allen Keys, Mirror, Exacto Blade)
Loosen up your old grip.. If you have ones like this.. If not the next step will be extremely easy!
Expose a little of the Rubber right next to the metal part..
Make your incision lol..

As you can see it’s all for show and doesn’t actually connect to anything but rubber.. Get rid of this completely..

Your universal rearview mirrors will come like this.. Make sure the nut is facing small side to the bolt so as you screw it in the fitment piece will expand and hold into your handlebar..
Slide it in.. hold it tight to the bar and start screwing the allen bolt as tight as you can so there’s no wobble when making adjustments to the actual mirror…
And now your riding clean! lol