How It Works
Register and find other local riders near you on the map. Show us where ya at!
Provide a number so riders can text/call to meet. (Visible ONLY to members)Drop Your Location
Provide your city and state so riders see who's around.
Provide your email as an extra way for other riders to contact you.
The Reason Why
Over time a popular post in the group has been “Anyone near ****,Wyoming?”. With over 5,000 facebook members we can’t expect everyone to see everything. With riders spread across the map how can you possibly know who’s where and most importantly who’s near? We highly encourage you to take the time and register your rider profile so that others can connect and link up with other riders. EVERYONE should register. Fear not, for you’re not alone! (Hopefully).
Click Register. Receive an email to activate your account. Click activate to be auto logged into your profile. If you do not show on the map please post in the Facebook Group so the admin can take a look. You’re encouraged to fill out as much as possible for others members to contact you. Click on a rider from the map and then select their name to bring up their profile. You must be logged in to see users private information.